The Talent Education Research Institute is a unique educational organization which has been teaching small children violin, piano, cello, and flute from early childhood in accordance with Dr. Shinichi Suzuki’s basic philosophy that “All children grow; it depends on how they are raised”. This philosophy is the basis on what Dr. Suzuki calls “Mother- tongue Education”. Just as the ability to speak one’s native language is not inborn, circumstances develop one’s abilities-including musical talent. Dr. Suzuki encourages parents to follow the same method they use when they teach their mother tongue to their children. Basically, this is to include it as part of the child’s daily environment using repetition of small easy to master steps and building upon them.
In the 1930s, Dr. Shinichi Suzuki taught violin in his home and brought up fine violinists Toshiya Eto, Koji Toyoda, and others. These experiences lead to the establishment of the “Matsumoto Music School” in Matsumoto, Nagano Japan in 1946. Through the efforts of Dr. Shinichi Suzuki and his sympathizers “Talent Education” gradually increased its influence and by 1949 there were several branches of violin classes teaching children under the same philosophy. Finally in1950 the “Talent Education Research Institute” became an organization known and authorized by the Ministry of Education.
At present, approximately 20,000 Japanese children between the ages of 3 and 18 are studying violin, piano, cello, and flute, etc. at various classes throughout Japan from more than 1,400 Talent Education Research Institute instructors. Overseas, the number of Suzuki children are also increasing in 38 countries. There are more than 400,000 children studying under Dr. Suzuki’s philosophy in the world.
“Talent Education”has often been misunderstood as education for “gifted children”, however, it absolutely is not. It is an educational system which develops the inborn potentiality that all children equally possess. “Talent Education”is not limited to the study of music as it can be applied to the study of anything. However, through music ones potential can be developed to a very high level while developing beautiful hearts. The purpose of the “Talent Education Research Institute” is to provide a healthy foundation with which small children can create a beautiful world with a respect for human life and cultural heritage and to become healthy citizens of the entire world .