アメリカ イーストテネシー州立大学のレベッカ・パルッツィ先生から
6月24日:Every Child Can!
子どもたちへのレッスン 髙橋利夫先生による講習は、日本の指導者研究会と同じもので、それに加えて毎日マルセル・モイーズの「Tone Development through interpretation 」による「音楽表現法」の講義が行なわれました。
期間中、コンサートも数多く行なわれましたが、特別ゲストとして、宮前丈明先生(2016年4月から松本の国際スズキ・メソード音楽院のフルート科教授)宮前丈明先生のリサイタルを6月30日にMathes Music Hallで開催しました。これは地域のコンサートシリーズの一環として行なわれ、市民にもプレスリリースで広く広報されたのでした。
指導者のグループはモーツァルトのフルート協奏曲ニ長調第1楽章ドンジョンのカデンツァ付きを演奏し、それに続いて、歌劇「フィガロの結婚」から伯爵夫人のアリア「Dove Sono(楽しい日々はどこへ)」を演奏しました。これは高橋先生がTone Developmentのクラスで、期間中毎日指導された何曲かのアリアのうちの1曲です。しかし最後のコンサートでこのようにアリアを演奏したのは、初めてでした。これが新しい伝統の始まりであって欲しいと思います。指導者クラスの2曲の演奏の後、子どもたちが加わって演奏しました。
「私は、先週の金曜日の祝賀コンサートは『the best EVER!(今までで最高だった!)』と、どうしてもあなたに手紙を書いて言わなければ、と思いました。研究会期間中、高橋先生の下でモーツアルトを学んだTeachers trainerたちは、絶妙な美しい演奏をしました。彼らは皆、正確な音程で、揃っていて、ダイナミクスも正確に合わせていました。まるで1本のフルートで演奏しているように聴こえました。そして子どもたちが加わって、グルックのメヌエットを演奏した時、私はきっといろいろな音がして音程も違っているだろうと予想したのです。しかし、予想に反して、その響きは音楽に満たされたものになりました。それは、スズキ・メソードがすべてに行き渡っているということを雄弁に物語っていました。素晴らしい経験と思い出をありがとうございました。
Pat Sheets,PhD」
アメリカ スズキ・フルート科指導者 レベッカ(ベッキー)・パルッツイ
Happy First Day of Summer!
Rebecca Paluzzi, Flute Teacher / Teacher Trainer We welcome Master Teacher, Toshio Takahashi, founder of the Suzuki Method for Flute, author, and pedagogue, to the 33rd East Tennessee Suzuki Flute Institute International.
The Institute is being held June 24- July 2 with faculty and participants from Australia, Argentina, Japan, Taiwan, and 12 states. The Institute will offer “Every Child Can!”, a pre-requisite course for Suzuki Teacher Training, Book 1 Teacher Training, and Mr. Takahashi’s course for experienced Suzuki flute teacher, Japanese Master Teachers Course. In addition, Mr. Takahashi will teach a daily class from Marcel Moyse’s “Tone Development through Interpretation. There will be daily masterclasses, tone and technique classes, and repertoire class for Suzuki flute students. Students may also participate in Flute Choir, Advanced Chamber Ensemble, Orchestral Excerpts Class, and a Rhythm and Movement Class.
I want to let you know about two events of interest to the greater community which are taking place in conjunction with the 33rd East Tennessee Suzuki Flute Institute International. The following is extracted from our press release. We hope that you will have the opportunity to join us for these events.
As a contribution to the community, the Suzuki Flute Institute offers a series of public concerts.
A Guest Artist Recital featuring flutist Takeaki Miyamae, accompanied by ETSU faculty pianist Jerilyn Paolini, will be held Thursday, June 30, at 7 p.m. in the Mathes Hall auditorium. A native of Japan, Miyamae has performed in Europe, North America, Taiwan and Japan and has won top honors in numerous international competitions. He began his studies at age 9 with Takahashi and continued his training for several years with Marcel Moyse and Louis Moyse.
In addition to performing and recording, Miyamae is a faculty member of the Westmoreland Suzuki School of Music in Greensburg, Pa., and frequently serves as guest faculty at Suzuki flute institutes and academies in both the United States and Japan.
Tickets for Miyamae’s recital are $15 for adults, $10 for seniors and $5 for students with ID. These may be purchased at the door or in advance by calling 423-439-4276.
The annual Suzuki Celebration Concert concludes the week with performances by students, flute teachers and institute faculty. This free public concert will be held Friday, July 1, at 7 p.m. in the Mathes Hall auditorium. Families are encouraged to bring young children.
A flute masterclass with Toshio Takahashi will be held Saturday, July 2, beginning at 10:00 AM .
The 33rd East Tennessee Suzuki Flute Institute international concluded on Saturday, July 2, 2016 with a marvelous master class taught by Mr. Takahashi. Many of the Suzuki teachers had not had an opportunity previously to watch Mr. Takahashi give lessons to children, so if this was a very valuable experience for them.
On the previous evening, Mr. Takahashi conducted the final celebration concert on which the teachers group performed the first movement of Mozart's flute Concerto in D major with Donjon cadenzas, followed by a performance of Mozart's aria from The Marriage of Figaro, Dove Sono. This was one of several arias that Mr. Takahashi taught in his daily Tone Development class, but it was the first time that one of the arias had been performed on the final concert. We hope that it is the beginning of a new tradition.
Following the two pieces performed by the teachers class, the students joined for the remainder of the concert.
We enjoyed hosting participants from Australia, Argentina, Taiwan, and 12 American states. Under Mr. Takahashi's direction, the week was inspiring and was filled with the true spirit of the Suzuki Method.
We anticipate that Mr. Takahashi will return to our institute in June 2017, and we hope that many Japanese teachers and students will make plans to attend. We would be delighted to welcome you to Tennessee!
Here is a letter sent to me concerning our Institute Celebration Concert. Perhaps it sums up the week and is worth printing.
Hi Becki;
I felt I should write to you and tell you that last Friday's Celebration Concert was the best EVER! The teachers trainers who studied with Mr. Takahashi during the week on the Mozart played exquisitely. They were all exactly on pitch and together and their dynamics were synchronized; it sounded like one flute playing. And, when the young students joined them for the Gluck Minuet, I expected random notes and pitch differences , but no, the sound just got fuller. It just spoke volumes that this is what Suzuki method is all about. Thank you for the great experience and memory.
Pat Sheets, PhD
Rebecca Lile Paluzzi
Professor of flute and director of the Suzuki Studies Program in the ETSU Department of Music
→East Tennesse Suzuki Flute Institute 2016