from the CEO of the ISA, Allen Lieb

Reproduced from the programme with permission.
 Forty-five years ago I left my family home in the foothills of Tennessee to travel to Japan. I went there to study violin with Shinichi Suzuki.  I had no idea what those two years in Japan would entail, nor the overwhelming impact they would have on the rest of my life.  Since that time, I have spent my professional life teaching in the United States, now in New York City.

ⒸBill Hiskett

 I became a Teacher - Trainer for the Suzuki Association of the Americas (SAA) and subsequently the Chair of the SAA, and also the chair of the Violin committee of the International Suzuki Association (ISA). I am now the CEO of the ISA.  The ISA was created by Dr. Suzuki in 1983 to protect the Suzuki name and rights around the globe. The ISA strives to encourage and co-ordinate the Suzuki Method in all regions. I feel an immense amount of gratitude and responsibility for the Suzuki legacy entrusted to me.

 In years past, every teacher - trainee would recite the ’Teachers’ pledge’ to Dr Suzuki on stage at the Kaikan when they graduated. These closing lines still resonate with us at events like this concert at the Royal Albert Hall:
“We realise the possibilities of early education. 
We also realise that every child can be educated. 
Our purpose is to develop this ability and present this fact to the world. " 
Congratulations to all the students, parents and teachers participating in this British Suzuki Gala 2023. Dr Suzuki's message certainly lives on in your hearts.