Impressions of the British Suzuki Gala by a Teacher Helper


Sachiko is in the centre of the photo. ⒸBill Hiskett

  The British Suzuki Music Association Gala 2023 was a gigantic event that required an enormous amount of work by incredible people who are all dedicated to the meaning behind Dr. Suzuki's pedagogy.  Instigated and inspired by founder Helen Brunner, all those who participated as leaders and helpers dedicated their time and expense to make this wonderful event happen.  The 2023 Gala was only the second occurrence of this BSMA event, but the members of the Gala Committee truly knew what they were doing and were constantly working out many of the details.  Yes, I believe there was probably also a lot of crisis management as part of the event, too.  But it is through love that everything comes together and we overcome all these difficulties. 

  As one of the many volunteers, I know that one must be ready to step up and pitch in.  As a teacher helper, I appreciated all the information that was sent to me electronically days before the event.  Some information was provided weeks before.  There were master lists of rehearsals and locations, timetables for students by levels and by instruments, and detailed instructions as to each teacher helper's assignment.  It was essential that my students shared their schedule with me so that I could compare this information with what was being sent to the teachers to see if it all aligned, and be able to inform and remind their parents of the schedules and details.
  As one of the Suzuki piano teacher helpers, I recognize and acknowledge the tremendous work of Grant Mead, the Gala committee Piano Group Leader, and my friend Ruth Miura, who provided me with so much additional information. We worked together packing up 24 keyboards in boxes and cases after the rehearsals and Playtogethers on Saturday at the Royal College of Music which were  transported to the Royal Albert Hall early the next morning.  Then there was the assembly in the morning and re-packing again after the concert was over.  Thank you to all the teacher helpers who volunteered their time!  Even the Playtogether and Gala Concert programs were beautifully printed, which demonstrated the important attention to detail of this event.  It is clear that the spirit of Dr. Suzuki lives on in so many teachers around the world, and it was a memorable experience for me to meet new colleagues from around the world at this spectacular event.  

Sachiko Isihara, SAA Teacher Trainer
Newton, Massachusetts (US)