・ベートーヴェン:ヴァイオリン・ソナタ 第8番 ト長調 Op. 30
Q①:What is your most impressive memory while learning at Suzuki Method?
Ray Chen:One of the exciting memories I have from my childhood are from the group lessons I participated in every week at my violin teacher's house. I remember all of us sitting on the floor; singing, playing and learning music together. It was such a fun and enjoyable experience and most importantly, it gave motivation for me to practice so I would have a new piece to perform at next week's session.
Q②:Would you please a message to the students and parents at Suzuki Method ?
Ray Chen:Hello! I'm Ray and I hope to have the opportunity to meet you in person one day. Please always remember that music exists to be enjoyed and shared with others. Always work hard to keep that joy alive, even if at times you feel lonely or unmotivated. I'm always here to support you and I wish you all the happiness you deserve!